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Why Manifesting Falls Short: Finding True Satisfaction in Christ

Have you heard of manifesting? Many years ago, I was a realtor in Chicago, and my agency had a book club. Despite many Google searches, I can't recall the book's name, but it opened with a story I can't forget. The author had a pinboard and lost one of the pins near her bed. She searched everywhere but couldn't find it. She visualized the pin; when she woke up, it was between her thumb and pointer finger. That was as far as I got in the book because immediately something felt off. I knew whatever magic the book was teaching didn't align Biblically.

            Recently, manifesting has become all the rage on social media. I have heard it is all over TikTok, and many celebrities like Oprah, Dua Lipa, and Jim Carrey have raved about it. It's even on trendy apparel at Target. While manifesting has become a mainstream buzzword, I believe it provides a deceiving and cheap counterfeit to Christian beliefs and contradicts God's Word.

How exactly would you define manifesting? Manifesting is bringing a specific desire, goal, or outcome into reality. There are many different steps and methods to make this occur, including visualizations (like in the book mentioned above), affirmations, or creating vision boards. Essentially, you can make your dreams into reality by focusing your thoughts and beliefs on them. Of course, there is a specific formula to make this happen, and plenty of books and videos are out there telling you which formula is the best.

            In an article for Oprah Daily, Kimberly Zapata lists 7 steps to manifesting, which include clearly defining your goals, writing them down on paper, working towards your goal, being grateful for what you receive, ridding yourself of negative beliefs, checking and changing your energy, and lastly being flexible while trusting the process. In the article, she states that you can manifest anything from relationships, love, and even money. She details the 369 method, which has apparently exploded on TikTok and involves writing down a specific affirmation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. Zapata also states you can simply write a letter to the universe.

            While this may seem silly to many- maybe you've been manifesting a Range Rover your whole life, but alas, you're still in your beater car- the sad truth is that this phenomenon has intrigued and deceived many. You may have gotten swept into the trendy vernacular and seen manifesting as a fun way of just saying what you want to happen. Dear reader, do not be deceived by this. It is not neutral. It isn't simply having a dream or desire for the future. Let's look closer at manifesting's roots and see how it contradicts scripture.

            The roots of manifesting, which are often linked with the law of attraction, are deeply tied to pagan and occult traditions. The traditions trace all the way back to ancient mysticism, including Hermeticism, a pagan philosophy that emphasized "as above so below." This is the belief that thoughts and desires can influence reality. This philosophy first appeared in print in 1877 by author and Russian mystic Helena Blavatsky, laying the foundation of thought for today's movement.

The Law of Attraction exploded in popularity with the 2006 bestselling book, "The Secret," and has now infected a new generation with its seductive promise and trendy videos. The law of attraction states that "like attracts like." Positive thoughts bring positive results, while negative thoughts bring negative results. It urges you to align your vibration (thoughts and emotions) with your desired outcome. While these ideas may seem new and exciting, Solomon was incredibly wise when he said, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun" Ecclesiastes 1:9)

            So why does this matter? The problem with manifesting is its core belief that you have the power to create your own reality. It feeds us the same deceptive lie that tricked Adam and Eve in the Garden, "You can be like God."(Genesis 3) Who doesn't want to be their own God? In control of their own destiny? Yet the reality is that scripture tells us that only God is sovereign. "For in him all things were created: thing in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rules or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" (Colossians 1:16). We see Jesus's sovereignty on full display as he calms the raging sea, and his disciples say, "What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?" Matthew 8:27.

            There is nothing that happens that isn't filtered through the Lord's hand. He is in control of all things. And yet, we have desires! Of course, we do- maybe it's a new job, a child, financial security, or health- there is a myriad of things that our hearts long for. Yet our Heavenly Father, who knows us each individually and intimately, tells us to pray and lay those requests before Him. Something mysterious happens when we pray. I have heard it said before that God answers every prayer, it's either a yes, a no, or a not right now. Sometimes, we desire things that are not in line with God's will for our lives. Sometimes, we don't even know what to pray, and Romans 8:26 makes this beautiful promise, "the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." How cool is that! That even when we come to God broken, we don't have to have the right words to say. Unlike manifesting, we don't need perfect mantras or the right thoughts and attitudes. We get to come to God broken, and God himself intercedes on our behalf!

            The other mysterious thing that happens is that through prayer and submission to God, He changes the desires of our hearts. Psalms 37:4-6 states, "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun." Maybe your prayers start out with desires you have that are not in line with God's will. Perhaps you're praying for a certain dollar amount or some dream job. When I have prayed for specific things that I have desired and even thought were good, and yet they didn't come to pass, typically, God has been changing something in me. Psalms 37 says to take delight in the Lord and commit your way to Him.

For a long time, I prayed for something to happen, specifically for God to change someone in my life. I even thought this prayer would be in line with God's will. And yet, despite my desperation and despair, God didn't answer that prayer when I wanted it to happen. However, as I cried out to Him, as I studied His Word, meditated on it, submitted myself to God, He started to change me. He began to change the way I responded to this person. He started to be enough for me, providing true joy and peace even when this relationship was chaotic. Though the situation didn't immediately change, God changed me, grew me closer to Him, and used the turmoil to deepen my faith and trust in Him.

            Years later, as that prayer was eventually answered, I am thankful it wasn't according to my timing. I see how God was using the situation to do something bigger and mature my faith in a way that I couldn't see. God is eternal, outside of time. He sees the full, big picture. He knows what is best for us, and His will will come to pass. Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." Even when it doesn't seem good, doesn't feel good, even when we don't get what we want, God is working, and it is for our ultimate good. By trusting in God's character and submitting the outcome to Him, by praying and seeking God, our eyes are more open to see how He is moving in our lives.

            Manifesting is a cheap shadow of this. It promises you that you can be the God of your own life. It promises that whatever you want, you can have. And here is the thing: maybe some of that is true. Maybe when you are so focused on a goal or an outcome, one that is outside of God's will for your life, He lets you have it. But as a Christian- that should scare you. I have sought after the things of the world that I thought would satisfy me. I have achieved some great goals, but when those things became the god of my life, they were never enough. Maybe it felt good for a little while, but then that god craves more. You keep wanting more: the next promotion, the next vacation, more money, a bigger house. It's never enough. But God isn't like that. He is the Bread of Life, the Living Water (John 6:35); whoever comes to Him will be satisfied. Manifesting may bring you short-term success, but it will never satisfy your soul.

            If you are tired of seeking after the next thing, achieving the next goal, or feeling exhausted by the constant "work" you are doing, there is something better. "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:28-29). Doesn't that sound better? Lay down all the work of manifesting and its false promises and come to true soul rest and satisfaction through Jesus Christ today.